the abolition of man 뜻
- 인간폐지
- abolition: noun, 폐지, 노예
- man: noun, (pl, men) 인간, 사람(이라는 것),
- abolition: noun, 폐지, 노예 폐지(~ism)(노예)폐지론, ~ist(노예)페지론자)
- abolition of monarchy: 폐지된 군주제
- abolition of forced labour convention: 강제노동 폐지 협약
- abolition of the han system: 폐번치현
- international day for the abolition of slavery: 국제 노예제 철폐의 날
- policy for merger and abolition of the press: 언론통폐합
- prison abolition movement: 감옥 폐지 운동
- man: noun, (pl, men) 인간, 사람(이라는 것), 남자, 남편, 사내다운 남자, 하인(opp, master), 부하, 직공, 인부, (pl, )졸병(opp, officer), 어이, 여보게 n, (the or one's ~ )적격자, 상대, (체스의) 말, as one ~ 이구동성으로, be a ~, or play the ~ 사내답게 행동하다, b
- man of will: 대장 김창수
- this man: 이자
- to a man: 만장일치로
- man to man: 맨투맨
- man of science, man of faith: 과학이냐 신앙이냐
기타 단어
- "the a-team" 뜻
- "the a-team (film)" 뜻
- "the a.b.c. murders" 뜻
- "the a.v. club" 뜻
- "the abcs of death" 뜻
- "the abominable bride" 뜻
- "the abraham park kenneth vine collection" 뜻
- "the abyss" 뜻
- "the academy is..." 뜻
- "the a.v. club" 뜻
- "the abcs of death" 뜻
- "the abominable bride" 뜻
- "the abraham park kenneth vine collection" 뜻